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Internet Services debugging
You can control Internet Services debugging from three different locations:
•       from the the file at startup
•       from the Logging Levels tab on the Internet Services Monitor form while Internet Services is running
•       from the Diagnostics menu on the Internet Services console while Internet Services is running (except when Internet Services is running as a Windows service or Unix daemon).

Debug categories
Setting debug levels causes Internet Services to log information about its protocol activities. The higher the level set the more verbose the logging information Internet Services will generate. We recommend that you activate debug logging only on the advice of Open Text customer support, since using debug logging may negatively affect the performance of Internet Services.
In this document, debug categories are presented in this format:
General category - description of category
•       Keyword used in the .LOG file to indicate the type of debugging
•       Keyword used in the file to set the initial debug level.
The debug categories are:
Internet Services - logs the handling of incoming connections
•       InetSvc
•       DBG_InetSvc
Task List - logs the reports about changes in Internet Services task states     
•       TaskList
•       DBG_TaskList
DNS Resolver - logs the actions of the DNS resolver
•       Resolver
•       DBG_Resolver
Configuration - logs the loading and parsing of configuration data      
•       InetCfg
•       DBG_InetCfg
Name Translation - logs the parsing and translating of email addresses
•       FCNmTrn
•       DBG_FCNmTrn
Mail Decoding - logs the decoding of Internet messages  
•       IMRFCd
•       DBG_IMRFCd
Mail Encoding - logs the encoding of Internet messages
•       IMRFCe
•       DBG_IMRFCe
MIME Decoding - logs the decoding of MIME messages
•       IMMIMEln
•       DBG_IMMIMEln
Server to FC Connections - logs FCP communication between Internet Services and the FirstClass server for client and Directory protocols (POP3, FTP, HTTP, LDAP, and Finger)    
•       InetCli
•       DBG_InetCli
Finger Server - logs the actions of the Finger server
•       ICFngr
•       DBG_ICFngr
POP3 Server - logs the actions of the POP3 server       
•       ICPOP3
•       DBG_ICPOP3
IMAP4 Server - logs the actions of the IMAP4 server
•       ICIMAP4
•       DBG_ICIMAP4
LDAP Server - logs the actions of the LDAP server
•       ICLDAP
•       DBG_ICLDAP
LDAP Messages - logs the constructing of responses for the LDAP protocol.
LDAP logging is separated into two parts: the first manages the LDAP connection and the second interprets and formulates responses to the LDAP client's request
•       LDAPMsg
•       DBG_LDAPMsg
HTTP Server - logs the actions of the HTTP server
•       ICHTTP
•       DBG_ICHTTP
HTTP Scripting - logs HTTP script operations
•       ICHTTPScr
•       DBG_ICHTTPScr
SSL - logs information relating to the SSL encryption layer on secure connections
•       SSL
•       DBG_SSL
FTP Server - logs the actions of the FTP server
•       ICFTP
•       DBG_ICFTP
Gateway Monitor - logs the FCP communication between Internet Services incoming message protocols and the FirstClass server     
•       GWSrvr
•       DBG_GWSrvr
SMTP Connection - logs queuing of outbound SMTP messages
•       SMTPCln
•       DBG_SMTPCln
SMTP Message - logs delivery of outbound SMTP messages
•       SMTPMsg
•       DBG_SMTPMsg
SMTP Server - logs delivery of inbound SMTP messages
•       SMTPCon
•       DBG_SMTPCon
NNTP Client Connection - logs queuing of outbound NNTP messages
•       NNTPGCI
NNTP Client Message - logs delivery of outbound NNTP messages
•       NNTPGCM
NNTP Server - logs receiving of outbound NNTP messages
•       NNTPCon
•       DBG_NNTPCon
POP3 Client - logs the scheduling of inbound POP3 messages (POP3 import)        
•       POP3Cln
•       DBG_POP3Cln
POP3 Client Message - logs receiving of inbound POP3 messages (POP3 import)
•       POP3Msg
•       DBG_POP3Msg
File Sharing
•       CICCIFS

Logging levels
Each debug category is set to a logging level between 0 and  >5. In general, these levels are
•       0 - none
•       1 - connection messages about connecting and disconnecting
•       2 - session messages about the progress of the request
•       3 - protocol messages showing communication at the protocol level
•       4 -"Verbose" debugging information
•       5 -"Very verbose" debugging information
•       >5 - will severely impact performance and generate huge log files.
We recommend you set logging levels at or below 2, unless you require more information to identify a problem. If this is the case, only change the specific debugging categories relating to the problem or the logging may affect the performance of Internet Services.  

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